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English translation for "lower spring"

Example Sentences:
1.Solar tides are added to lunar tides to form the unusually high and low spring tides .
2.So caleb gave her the upper springs and the lower springs
3.Later the shock absorber with lowering spring should have to be placed exactly as the original
4.Place the shock absorber with lowering spring under the car 。 place the shock exactly the same as original
5.Then she said , " give me a blessing ; since you have given me the land of the negev , give me also springs of water . " so he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs
书15 : 19他说、求你赐福给我、你既将我安置在南地、求你也给我水泉他父亲就把上泉下泉赐给他。
6.Fast product development . ( we develop a new type of o . e . s pring s and sport lowering springs within 2 - 3 weeks after the new car hits the market
新产品开发迅速(每当一种新车型出现在市场上,荷兰马特威即能在2 - 3星期内开发出与其相匹配的原厂标准弹簧与运动型降低弹簧。
7.She said to him , " give me a blessing , since you have given me the land of the negev , give me also springs of water . " so caleb gave her the upper springs and the lower springs
士1 : 15他说、求你赐福给我你既将我安置在南地、求你也给我水泉迦勒就把上泉下泉赐给他。
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